How much do you charge for DUI representation?
We always have a free initial consultation. At that appointment we will set a rate based on the facts.
We always have a free initial consultation. At that appointment we will set a rate based on the facts.
Can’t I just pay my fine and be done with it? – Every person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Always consult an attorney before make any life altering decisions. You can lose your driver’s license. Your insurance rates can go up. Fines in DUI cases are expensive but they are not the only long …
Action must be taken within 10 days of your arrest. There is no such thing as an emergency or hardship driver’s license in Alabama. However, we can explore other options to save your license.
We recommend that you talk to an attorney about your case. While you will generally not be subjected to additional jail time, you still can face dire consequences.
Absolutely without a doubt you will not be able to drive for some period of time. Alabama has no exceptions to drivers license suspensions. Mandatory 1st DUI -90 days ; 2nd DUI 1 year; 3rd DUI 3 years; 4 or more 5 years – Once you lose your license it becomes difficult to gain it …
Will I lose my driver’s license if convicted of a DUI? Read More »
The Range of punishment for a DUI depends on the number of previous offenses. For your first DUI you could face 0-365 days in jail. Second and Third offenses carry mandatory jail time. A Fourth DUI or more is a felony DUI with a range of punishment from 1 year and 1 day to 10 …
.08 Blood Alcohol Content or above means you are legally intoxicated. However, driving under the influence cases can be made based solely on officer observations.
The cost of hiring a lawyer will vary. The reputation, experience and expertise in the area will determine the cost of the attorneys services. As with doctors, generally the more skilled the attorney and the larger the city, the higher the fee. A related factor will be the amount of time a lawyer spends on …
If you want to fight the charges that have been made against you, you should definitely hire a lawyer. If it is your first or second offense and feel comfortable with receiving the punishment outlined in this website, you may not need a lawyer. However, with each successive DUI received within a five year period …
Do I need a DUI lawyer for a first-time Drunk Driving offense? Read More »